Project Management
Project Management Processes
Project Manager- must manage inter-dependencies among other knowledge areas. And integrate varies activities of the project.
Team Members- completes project activities
Sponsor – protect project team from un-necessary losses and loss of resources
Project Selection Methods
Benefits measurement method
· Murder board
· Scoring models
· Economic models
· Benefits Compared to Cost
· Peer Review
Constrained optimization methods-
· Rely on mathematical techniques to determine the selection of the best project to achieve business objectives.
o Linear programming
1. Project Integration Management
Integrative actions that are crucial for successfully completing the project. Must manage the inter-dependencies among other knowledge areas.
A. Initiating Process Group
i. Develop Project Charter
a. Inputs
i. Project Statement of Work
ii. Business Case
iii. Agreements
iv. Enterprise Environmental factors
v. Organizational Assets (Best Practices)
b. Tools
i. Expert Judgment
ii. Facilitation techniques
c. Output
i. Project Charter
ii. Identify Stateholders
B. Planning Process Group
i. Develop Project Management Plan – detailed document which describes how the project would be executed monitored and controlled.
a. Processes
i. Defining
ii. Preparing
iii. Integrating
iv. Coordinating- all subsidiary plans and integrating them into a comprehensive project management plan.
C. Executing Process Group
i. Direct & Manage Project Work
ii. Direct and Manage Project Knowledge
D. Monitoring and Control Process Group
i. Monitor and Control Project Work
ii. Perform integrated Change Control
E. Closing Process Group
i. Close Project or Phase