Project Management

6.      Project Resource Management

          Project resource management includes the process to identify, acquire, and manage the resources needed for the                    successful completion of the project

          Each member of the project team should have assigned roles and responsibilities


          ·         Initiating

          ·         Planning

          ·         Executing

          ·         Monitoring and Controlling

          ·         Closing

          Functional Manager

           ·         Handles a business function

           ·         Subject matter expert

           ·         Organization defines roles and responsibilities

           ·         Owns resources and assigns individuals

           ·         Negotiates with the project manager about allocation of resources

           Project Manager

           ·         Responsible and accountable for the project and its quality

           ·         Not a subject matter expert (SME)

           ·         Organization defines degree of authority

           ·         Must negotiate with functional manager

           ·         Responsible for product quality

           ·         Takes credit or blame for project they handle


            ·         Organizational Chart

            ·         Responsibility Assignment Matrix RAM

                             o   One accountable person

                       Resources Histogram

                             o   Shows peak load for staffing on the bar chart


A.        Plan Resource Management

             a.      Input

                       i.      Project Charter

                      ii.      Project Management Plan

                     iii.      Project Documents

                                1.      Schedule

                                2.      Risk Register

                                3.      Stakeholder register

                                4.      Templates

                                5.      Human resources

                     iv.      Enterprise Environmental Factors

             b.      Tools

                       i.      Meetings

                      ii.      Expert Judgement

                     iii.      Data Representation

                     iv.      Organizational Theory

                     v.      Templates and Forms

                    vi.      Organizational Break-down schedule

                   vii.      RACI Charts

                              1.      Responsible

                              2.      Accountable

                              3.      Consulted

                              4.      Informed

             c.       Output

                     i.      Resources Management Plan

                    ii.      Team Charter

                   iii.      Conflict resolution

                   iv.      Project Document Updates

B.      Estimate Activity Resources

          a.      Input

                   i.      Project Management Plan

                  ii.      Enterprise Environmental Factors

                 iii.      Organizational Process Assets

                 iv.      Project Documents

                           1.      Resource calendar

                           2.      Policy & Procedures

          b.      Tools

                   i.      Expert Judgement

                  ii.      Data Analysis

                 iii.      Bottom-up Estimating

                 iv.      Analogous Estimating

                  v.      Parametric Estimating

                 vi.      Project Management Information System

                vii.      Meetings

          c.       Output

                    i.      Resources Requirements

                   ii.      Basis of Estimate

                  iii.      Break-down Structure

                  iv.      Activity attributes

                   v.      Lessons learned

                  vi.      Project Document Updates

C.    Acquire Resources

          a.      Input

                    i.      Project Management Plan

                   ii.      Enterprise Environmental Factors

                  iii.      Organizational Process Assets

                  iv.      Project Documents

          b.     Tools

                    i.      Decision Making

                   ii.      Inter-personal and Team Skills

                  iii.      Pre-Assignment

                  iv.      Virtual Teams

          c.       Output

                    i.      Physical Resource Assignments

                   ii.      Project Team Assignments

                  iii.      Resources Calendar

                  iv.      Change Request

                   v.      Project Management Updates

                            1.      Project Document Updates

                            2.      Enterprise Environmental Factors

                            3.      Organizational Process Assets

D.    Develop Team

          a.      Input

                    i.      Project Management Plan

                   ii.      Project Documents

                  iii.      Enterprise Environmental Factors

                  iv.      Organizational Assets

          b.      Tools

                    i.      Co-location

                   ii.      Virtual Team

                  iii.      Recognition Reward

                  iv.      Training

                   v.      Communication

                 vi.      Individual & Team Assessment

                vii.      Inter-personal & Team Skills

               viii.      Meetings

           c.      Output

                    i.      Team Performance Assessment

                   ii.      Change Request

                  iii.      Project Management Updates

                            1.      Project document Updates

                            2.      Enterprise Environmental Updates

                            3.      Organizational Process Assets Updates

E.       Manage Project Team

            a.      Input

                    i.     Project Management Plan

                   ii.      Work Performance

                  iii.      Team Performance

                  iv.      Organizational Assets

                             1.      Evaluations

                             2.      Certifications

                   v.      Enterprise Environmental Factors

            b.      Tools

                      i.      Project Staff Assignments

                     ii.      Team Performance

                    iii.      Resources Management Plan

                    iv.      Inter-personal and Team Skills

                     v.      Project Management Information System

             c.       Output

                        i.      Team Performance Assessment

                       ii.      Change Request

                      iii.      Project Management Updates

                      iv.      Project Document Updates

                       v.      Enterprise Environmental Factors

                      vi.      Organizational Process Assets Updates

F.     Control Resources

             a.      Input

                      i.      Project Management Plan

                     ii.      Project Documents

                              1.      Work Performance Updates

                              2.      Agreements

                              3.      Project Schedule

                              4.      Resource Request

                   iii.      Organizational Assets

                   iv.      Enterprise Environmental Factors

              b.      Tools

                        i.      Data Analysis

                       ii.      Problem Solving

                      iii.      Inter-personal Skills

                      iv.      Project Management Information System

              c.       Output

                         i.      Work Performance Information

                        ii.      Change Request

                       iii.      Project Management Updates

                       iv.      Project Documents Updates


   Team Dynamics

   Bruce Tuckman

 ·         Forming

·         Storming

·         Norming

·         Performing

·         Adjourning

Causes of Conflict

·         Scarce resources

·         Scheduling priority

·         Personal work styles

·         Expertise and Experience levels

·         Communication issues

The best way to resolve conflict is to discuss & clarify with the parties involved.  May use Functional Manager for this.

Technique to avoid conflict are to provide details of project plan to every member

1.)    Withdraw or Avoid --     defer to later time

2.)    Smooth and Accommodate-    agreement is emphasized

3.)    Compromise or Reconcile

4.)    Force or Direct

5.)    Collaborate or Problem Solve-  best possible technique

Powers of Project Manager

1.)    Legitimate or Formal    -  Formally Assigned

2.)    Reward – Can reward and recognize

3.)    Penalty  -Penalty for poor performance

4.)    Expert    -  Commands authority due to being an expert

5.)    Referent   - Use higher authority

Organizational Theories

I.       McGregor Theory of X & Y

                 a.      X – People need to be controlled

                 b.      Y-- People can work on their own and want to succeed

II.      Maslows Hierarchy of Needs

                 a.      Physiological Survival

                 b.      Safety

                 c.       Social

                 d.      Esteem

                 e.      Actualization-lack of prejudice

III.      Herzbery Theory

                 a.      Hygen factors  -mandatory factors to motivate team

                           i.      Personal safety

                          ii.      Fair compensation

                         iii.      Working conditions

                 b.      Motivating agents -factors that motivate people

                          i.       Recognition

                         ii.      Higher responsibility

Project Management Leadership Style

1.)    Autocratic – clear direction and expects compliance

2.)    Participative or Democratic  - leader offers guidance and team participation

3.)    Delegative or Laissez Faire  -  Leader offers no direction or guidance and lets the team be on their own.


McKinsy’s 7-S Frame Work

I.      Hard Elements

         a.      Strategy

         b.      Structure

         c.       System

II.     Soft Elements

         a.      Shared Values

         b.      Skills

         c.       Style

         d.      Staff