Project Management      

8.      Project Risk Management

          Risk is an uncertain event or condition that if it occurs has a positive or negative effect on one or more of a project’s            objectives and is classified as an opportunity or a threat.

          Project Risk management includes the process of conducting risk management planning, identification, analysis,                      response planning, response implementation, and monitoring risk.

Positive Risk  - Opportunities

·         Enhanced

·         Shared

·         Exploit

·         Accept

Negative Risk   -- Threat

·         Avoid   - eliminate risk

·         Transfer  - shift to 3rd party

·         Mitigate  - reduce occurrence

·         Accept  -  no action taken

Terms Used

·         Positive risk--- opportunity

·         Negative risk  -- threat

·         Pure risk  --negative risk

·         Business risk --- can be positive or negative

·         Risk Averse  -  one who does not take risk

·         Risk tolerance – level of risk that can be tolerated

·         Risk threshold  -- amount of risk that is acceptable


1.)    Must be prioritized and measured when limited resources are available to manage them.

2.)    Risk are measure by assigning a monetary value to each of the risk

3.)    Risk is calculated by multiplying the probability and impact of risk

          a.      Formula          

                    i.      Risk expense = risk probability X risk impact

                             1.       Quantification of risk

                                         a.      Expected Monetary Value (EMV)

          b.      Definition of impact scale

                    i.      Risk probability and impact levels are specific to the project context and reflect the risk threshold of the                                    organization

4.)    Risk categorization

          a.      External risk – arise from external sources like government agency

          b.      Internal Risk    -Within project complexity of project

                    i,      Technical risk

                             1.      arise out of technology used

                   ii.      Project Management risk

                             1.      Arise out of project management activity

5.)    Risk Classification

          a.      Scope

          b.      Resources

          c.       Schedule

          d.      Cost

          e.      Quality

6.)    Tools

          a.      Decision Tree

                    i.     Is used to analyze risk and it impact on decisions in the face of uncertainties

7.)    Risk Reserves

          a.      Contingency Reserves

          b.      Management Reserves – not part of baseline based on unknown uncertainties.

8.)    Key Objectives of risk management

          a.      Increase the probability and impact of positive risk

          b.      Decrease the probability and impact of negative risk


A.        Plan Risk Management

             Plan Risk Management is the process of defining how to conduct risk management activities.  The key benefits of                     the process is to ensure that the degree, type, and visibility of risk management are proportionate to both risk and                 the importance of the project to the organization and other stakeholders.

             It requires the involvement of the project sponsor, customers, and other key stakeholders along with the project                     manager.

             It is the key project management activity and thus requires proper planning.

            a.      Input

                     i.      Project Charter

                    ii.      Project Management Plan

                   iii.      Project Documents

                             a.      Stakeholder register

                             b.      Risk threshold

                             c.       Risk templates

                   iv.      Enterprise Environmental Factors

                    v.      Organizational Process Assets

            b.      Tools

                     i.      Expert Judgement

                    ii.      Data Analysis

                   iii.      Meetings

            c.      Output

                     i.      Risk Management Plan

                    ii.      Methodologies

B.        Identify Risk

           a.       Input

                     i.      Project Charter

                    ii.      Project Management Plan

                   iii.      Project Documents

                             a.      Agreements

                             b.      Procurement Documents

                   iv.     Enterprise Environmental Factors

                   v.      Organizational Process Assets

          b.       Tools

                    i.      Expert Judgement

                   ii.      Data Gathering

                  iii.     Data Analysis

                  iv.     Meetings

                   v.     Strength Weakness Opportunity Threats

                  vi.     SWOT Analysis

                vii.     Inter-personal Skills

                viii.     Prompt List

                            a.      Pestal

                            b.      Vouga

           c.      Output

                 i.       Risk Register

                ii.       Risk Report

               iii.       Project Documents Updates

C.        Perform Qualitative Risk Analysis

            Perform qualitative risk analysis is the process of prioritizing individual project risk for further analysis or action by              assessing their probability or occurrence and impact as well as other characteristics, 

            Probability & Impact Matrix -  tabulates the probability and impact scales for the opportunities and threats on the                    project.

            Once the probability and impact matrix is filled a threshold can be defined beyond which a risk becomes a candidate               for active management.

           a.     Input

                 i.      Project Charter

                ii.      Project Management Plan

               iii.      Project Documents

                          a.      Stakeholder register

                          b.      Risk threshold

                          c.       Risk templates

               iv.      Enterprise Environmental Factors

                v.      Organizational Process Assets

           b.     Tools

                 i.      Expert Judgement

                ii.      Data Analysis

               iii.      Probability & Impact matrix

               iv.      Risk Cauterization

                v.      Data Representation

               vi.      Inter-personal Skills

              vii.      Meetings

           c.     Output

                  i.        Project Document Updates

D.        Perform Quantitative Risk Analysis

            Perform quantitative risk analysis is the process of numerically analyzing the combined effect of individual risk and                other sources of uncertainty on the overall project objectives. And is performed on the highest risk on the project.

           a.     Input

                  i.     Project Charter

                 ii.     Project Management Plan

                iii.     Project Documents

                          a.      Stakeholder register

                          b.      Risk threshold

                         c.       Risk templates

               iv.     Enterprise Environmental Factors

                v.     Organizational Process Assets

           b.     Tools

                 i.     Expert Judgement

                ii.     Data Analysis

               iii.     Mote Carlo analysis

               iv.     Decision Tree

                v.     Data Representation of risk

               vi.     Inter-personal Skills

             vii.      Meetings

           c.     Output

                 i.      Project Document Updates

E.        Plan Risk Responses

           a.     Input

                 i.        Project Charter

                ii.       Project Management Plan

               iii.     Project Documents

                         a.      Stakeholder register

                         b.      Risk threshold

                         c.       Risk templates

               iv.     Enterprise Environmental Factors

                v.     Organizational Process Assets

           b.   Tools

                 i.      Expert Judgement

                ii.      Data Analysis

               iii.      Strategies for overall project risk

               iv.      Strategies for opportunities

                v.      Inter-personal skills

               vi.     Data Representation

              vii.     Decision Making

             viii.     Meetings

           c.      Output

                  i.     Change Request

                 ii.     Project Management Plan Updates

                iii.     Project documents Updates

F.        Implement Risk Responses

           Implement risk responses is the process of implementing agreed-upon risk response plans.  The key benefit of this                 process is it ensures that agreed-upon risk responses are executed as planned in order to address overall project                   risk exposure, minimize individual project threats, and maximize overall project opportunities.

           a.      Input

                  i.     Project Charter

                 ii.     Project Management Plan

                iii.     Project Documents

                          a.      Risk Management Plan

                          b.      Work Performance Data

                          c.       Work Performance Reports

                iv.     Enterprise Environmental Factors

                 v.     Organizational Process Assets

           b.      Tools

                  i.     Expert Judgement

                 ii.     Project Management Information System

           c.      Output

                  i.     Change Request

                 ii.     Project Document Updates

G.        Monitor Risk

            Monitor Risk is the process of monitoring the implementation of agreed-upon risk plans, tracking, identified risk,                    and analyzing new risk, and evaluating risk response effectiveness.

           a.      Input

                  i.     Project Charter

                 ii.      Project Management Plan

                iii.     Project Documents

                          a.      Risk Register

                          b.      Work Performance Data

                         c.       Work Performance Reports

                iv.     Enterprise Environmental Factors

                 v.     Organizational Process Assets

            b.     Tools

                  i.     Risk Audits

                 ii.     Risk Assessment

                iii.     Reserve Analysis

                iv.     Variance and Trend Analysis

                 v.     Technical Performance

            c.     Output

                  i.     Work Performance

                 ii.     Change Request

                iii.     Project Management Updates

                iv.     Project Document Updates

                 v.     Organizational Process Assets Updates