Project Management

3.      Project Schedule Management

          Includes processes required to manage the timely completion of the project and is a detailed plan of the time-line.

          Key Activities- identify activities required to complete project estimate, time, and resources required per activity,                    sequence activities as per dependencies.

       ·         Activities

                     o   Gantt Chart- type of chart to show start and end dates of activities

                     o   Finish to Start- activity must finish before next activity can start

                     o   Start to Start- activity can only start when another activity has started

                     o   Finish to Finish- activity must finish before another can start

                     o   Start to Finish- activity must start before another activity can Finish


                  Network Diagrams

                            PDM (Precedence Diagram Method)   

                            Box represents activities

                            Arrow indicates dependencies

                            Relationship can be of all four types

                  Arrow Diagram Model (ADM)

                            Activity on Arrow (AOA)

                            Arrows represent activities

                            Direction of arrow indicates the relationship and sequence

                           Only Finish to Start relationships can be shown

                           Dummy activity may be required

                           Planned dates


                 Rolling Wave Planning   -     near term planned in detail and future work at higher level.

                             ·         Durations

                             ·         Resources

                             ·         Dependencies

                                              o   Mandatory – must be completed before an activity can start

                                              o   Discretionary – can start activity at any time before after or in conj,

                                              o   External – third party required to approve

                                              o   Internal – approval within project team

                            ·         Constraints

                                              o   Lead- can start before activity ends

                                              o   Lag-must wait after completion of another activity

                 Project Schedule

                         ·         Define start and end dates

                        ·         Assign task to resources, duration, and predecessors’ task,

                        ·         Scheduling software used to develop schedule such as Microsoft Project


                       ·         Analogous Estimating – estimate based on previous projects and employee’s expert judgment

                       ·         Parametric Estimating- use mathematical model based on previous projects and other information

                 Project Schedule Terms

                      ·         Effort – total amount of work to complete project

                      ·         Duration- time to complete activity

                      ·         Decomposition- break-down task into smaller pieces

A.      Plan Schedule Management (Planning)

           a.      Input

                    i.      Project Charter

                   ii.      Project Management Plan

                  iii.      Project Documents

                            1.      Scope Baseline

                            2.      WBS

                            3.      Deliverables

                            4.      Work Performances Information

                   iv.      Enterprise Environmental Factors

                    v.      Organizational Assets

           b.      Tools

                     i.      Expert Judgement

                    ii.      Data Analysis

                   iii.      Meetings

           c.       Output

                    i.      Schedule Plan

 B.      Define Activities (Planning)

           a.      Input

                   i.      Project Charter

                  ii.      Project Management Plan

                 iii.      Project Documents

                           1.      Schedule Plan

                           2.      Scope Baseline

                           3.      WBS

                           4.      Work Performance Inforamtion

                 iv.      Enterprise Environmental Factors

                  v.      Organizational Assets

           b.      Tools

                   i.      Expert Judgment

                  ii.      Rolling Wave Planning

                 iii.      Decomposition

                 iv.      Meetings

           c.       Output

                  i.      Activity List

                 ii.      Activity Attributes

                iii.      Milestone list

                iv.      Change Request

                 v.      Project Management Updates

 C.      Sequence Activities (Planning)

           a.      Input

                  i.      Project Charter

                 ii.      Project Management Plan

                iii.      Project Documents

                          1.      Activity List

                          2.      Activity Attributes

                          3.      Scope Baseline

                iv.      Enterprise Environmental Factors

                 v.      Organizational Assets

           b.      Tools

                  i.      Precedence Diagram Method (PDM)

                 ii.      Arrow Diagram Method (ADM)

                iii.      Dependency Determination

                iv.      Lead and Lag

                 v.      Project Management Information System

           c.       Output

                 i.      Project Schedule

                ii.      Network Diagram

               iii.      Project Document Updates

 D.       Estimate Activities Duration (Planning)

            Estimate Activity Duration is the process if estimating the number of work periods needed to complete individual                    activities with estimated resources.

            The key benefit of this process is that it provides the amount of time each activity will take to complete, which is a                   major input into the Develop Schedule process.

           a.      Input

                 i.      Project Charter

                ii.      Project Management Plan

               iii.      Project Documents from above

                         1.      Project Schedule

                         2.      Activity Resources Requirement

                         3.      Activity Attributes

                         4.      Risk Register

                         5.      Project Scope Statement

                         6.      Network Diagram

               iv.      Enterprise Environmental Factors

                v.      Organizational Assets

           b.      Tools

                i.      Expert Judgment

               ii.      Analogous Estimating

              iii.      Parametric Estimating

              iv.      Three-point estimating

               v.      Bottom-up estimating

              vi.      Data Analysis

             vii.      Decision Making

            viii.      Meetings

           c.       Output

                i.      Duration Estimate

               ii.      Basis of Estimate

              iii.      Project Document Updates

 E.      Develop Schedule (Planning)

          Develop schedule is the process of analyzing activities, sequences, durations, resource requirements, and schedule                constraints to create the project schedule.

           a.      Input

               i.      Project Charter

              ii.      Project Management Plan

             iii.      Project Documents from above

                       1.      Project Schedule

                       2.      Activity Resources Requirements

                       3.      Activity Attributes

                       4.      Resources Calendar

                       5.      Activity Duration Estimate

                       6.      Risk Register

                       7.      Project Scope Statement

                       8.      Network Diagram

             iv.      Enterprise Environmental Factors

              v.      Organizational Assets

           b.      Tools

               i.      Schedule Network Analysis

              ii.      Critical Path Method

             iii.      Resource Optimization

             iv.      Data Analysis

              v.      Schedule Compression

             vi.      Project Management Information System

            vii.      Agile Release Planning

           c.       Output

               i.      Schedule Baseline

              ii.      Project Schedule

             iii.      Schedule Data

                        1.      Resources

             iv.      Project Calendar

                        1.      Shows work days

              v.      Change Request

             vi.      Project Management Updates

            vii.      Project Document Updates

 F.      Control Schedule

          Is the process of monitoring the status of the project activities to update project progress and manage changes to                the schedule baseline to achieve the plan.

           a.      input

               i.      Project Charter

              ii.      Project Management Plan

             iii.      Project Documents from above

                       1.      Work Performance Data

                       2.      Schedule Data

                       3.      Project Calendar

                       4.      Lessons Learned

             iv.      Enterprise Environmental Factors

              v.      Organizational Assets

           b.      Tools

              i.      Data Analysis

             ii.      Critical Path Method

            iii.      Leads and Lags

            iv.      Resource Optimization

             v.      Schedule Compression

            vi.      Project Management Information System

           vii.      Performance Reviews

           c.       Output

              i.      Work Performance Information

             ii.      Schedule Variance (SV)

            iii.      Schedule Performance Index (SPI)

            iv.      Change Request

             v.      Project Management Updates

            vi.      Project Document Updates

A project schedule defines the start and end dates of the project and project activities.  These activities are assigned a duration and sequence in logical order.

Gantt charts and Network diagrams are used to identify project activities and determine the relationships and dependencies between them.

               ·         Gantt Charts display the start and end dates of project activities, the overall project schedule, and the logical                            task relationships.

              ·         Network diagrams are used to plot the activities and dependencies.

                        Schedule Network Analysis Method - schedule network analysis techniques generate project schedule based                            on the estimates of time and resource requirements

             ·         Critical Path Method -longest duration of activities in sequence through a network diagram, without float,                                 which determines the shortest time to complete the project.

                                  o   Free Float – time activity can be delayed without delaying each state of successor

                                  o   Total Float – time schedule can be delayed or extended from early start

                                         §  Total Float Formula for particular activity  = LS – ES  =  LF – EF

                                         ·         Identify critical path

                                         ·         Follow the forward pass to find early start and early finish for each activity

                                         ·        Calculate the late finish and late start using the backward pass method

                                  o   Independent Float – time of delay if all predecessors are late but successors are early

             ·         Critical Chain Method  - is a variant of the Critical Path Method.  The Critical Chain is determined on the logical,                         resources and other kinds of dependencies between activities.

             ·         What-if scenario analysis – it varies a certain parameter and observes the impact on the schedule.

             ·         Resources Optimization technique – they arrive at the optimal utilization of the resources used on the project.

             ·         Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)  -based on 3 pt estimate

                             o   Optimistic

                             o   Pessimistic

                             o   Normal                                

                                   §  Average = ( O + 4N + P) / 6

                                   §  (P – O) = variance

                                   §  (P - O) 2 = standard deviation


          Schedule Compression -

             ·         Fast Tracking - Linear activities are checked to determine if they can be done in parallel to reduce project cycle                         time may but may add risk and management time.

             ·        Crashing

                      o   Increases resources on critical path while making cost and schedule trade-offs

                      o   Adds cost and management time

             ·        Reduce Scope

                     o   Impacts customer satisfaction

             ·       Cut Quality

                    o   Increase risk

            ·       Resources allocation

                   o   No impact but may not be available  

            ·     What-if Scenario

                   o   what if a particular scenario changed on a project?  Would that produce a shorter schedule

                            §  Use Monte Carlo model to see what-if scenarios 

            ·     Resources Optimization

                  o   Optimal use of resources