Project Management     


I.       Elements of Project Charter

         a.      Project purpose or justification

         b.      Measurable project objectives, and related criteria

         c.       High level requirements

         d.      Project Description and risk

         e.      Summary milestones, schedule and budget

         f.        Project approval requirements

         g.      Assign project manager and their authority level

         h.      Name and authority of the sponsor and other persons authorizing the project

II.     Estimation Tools and techniques

         a.      Schedule effort, and cost estimation include

                   i.      Analogous (expert judgement)

                  ii.      Parametric (mathematical model )

                 iii.      PERT (Peer Evaluation and Review Technique )

                 iv.      Monte Carlo (what- if - scenarios )

III.    Cost Management Planning

         a.      Provides guidelines in estimating the cost at the activity level, deciding which estimation technique to use,                                determining the budget & tracking expenditures,

IV.   Cost Management Planning

         a.      Covers the frequency of monitoring and the contingency reserve.

V.     Communication Management Planning

         a.      Describes the communication related needs of the stakeholder and how to manage and control communication

VI.    Resource Planning

         a.      Provides guidelines to assign roles and responsibilities, acquire the team, release the team and set safety and                           compliance policies for the employees.

        b.      Define skill levels required to make the project a success

VII.  Procurement Planning

        a.      Outlines the process to select vendors, award contracts, and monitor and control procurement related activities.

        b.      Covers contract types and source selection criteria

VIII. Quality Management Planning

         a.      Provides guidelines on how to perform quality assurance and quality auditing

         b.      Measures quality of deliverables using quality control processes

 IX.   Requirement Gathering Techniques

         a.      Consist of focus groups that bring together prequalified stakeholders and subject matter                            experts to elicit their expectations, opinions, and attitudes for a proposed product, services                        or result.

         b.      Include planning sessions to decide who should be involved

         c.      Who will be the facilitator?

         d.      Who will schedule meetings?

         e.      Who will plan the agenda for the meetings?

         f.       Involve brainstorming techniques to generate ideals

X.     Risk Management Planning 

         a.      Provide guidelines for:

                   i.      Risk Management

                  ii.      Identify risk using different techniques

                 iii.      Performing risk analysis

                 iv.      Selecting risk response

                  v.      Controlling risk

XI.    Scope Deconstruction Tools

          a.      Include the Wok Break-down Structure (WBS) which involves the decomposition of scope                              into smaller components called packages.

          b.      Includes scope back log, which is a list of all the requirements for an iterative project life cycle

XII.  Scope Management Plan

         a.      Provides guidelines to:

                   i.      Collect requirements

                  ii.      Define scope’

                 iii.      Decompose the scope into measurable components

                 iv.      Accept deliverables after validation

                  v.      Control scope

XIII.  Schedule Management Planning

          a.      Describes estimation techniques for scheduling and effort estimation, such as critical path

          b.      Covers strategies to maintain the project schedule and track and review progress

XIV.  Work Flow Diagram Technique

          a.      Help to graphically represent the flow of activities and the dependencies:

                   i.      Flow charts

                  ii.      Network diagrams

XV.  Continuous Improvement Process

         a.      Performed throughout the project by conducting process analysis, removing bottlenecks, and                     identifying redundancies.

XVI. Elements of Statement of Work

         a.      Include business need

         b.      Product scope description

         c.       Strategic plan

XVII. Project Budgeting tools and techniques

          a.      Include revenue projections models

          b.      Forecasting expense

          c.       Budgeting

          d.      Cash flow for a giving period

          e.      Depreciation calculations

          f.        Profit & loss maintenance

          g.      Use organizational tools or Excel spread sheets for budgeting, accounting and controlling                              purposes

XVIII. Quality Standard Tools

            a.      Help in measuring quality and matching it with the standard:

                      i.      Include fishbone diagrams

                     ii.      Control charts

                    iii.      Flow charts

                    iv.      Scatter diagrams

                     v.      Run charts

                    vi.      Pareto charts

                   vii.      Check sheets

XIX.   Performance and Tracking Techniques

            a.      Include earned value management that provides a comparison between planned and actual                            values that help in predicting the future of the project from a time and cost perspective

XX.   Project Control Limits

          a.      Tolerance – is the limit to which deviation can be withstood

          b.      Threshold – is the level beyond which corrective action has to be taken.

XXI.  Risk Identification Techniques

          a.      Include qualitative and quantitative techniques like:

                   i.     SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat) Analysis

                  ii.     Assumption Analysis

                 iii.     Documentation Review

          b.      Qualitative technique

                   i.      Help in prioritizing risk

          c.       Quantitative technique

                   i.      Provides the numerical vale for the project objectives

XXII.  Risk Response Techniques

           a.      Negative

                    i.      Avoid

                   ii.      Transfer

                  iii.      Mitigate

                  iv.      Accept

           b.      Positive

                    i.      Exploit

                   ii.      Share

                  iii.      Enhance

                  iv.      Accept

XXIII.  Archiving Practices and Statues

             a.      Outline a set of practices based on organizational rules to store documents and materials                             once the project is closed.

XXIV.  Compliance Requirements

             a.      Are defined at the country and organizational levels

                       i.      Regulations

                               1.      Include government and industry standards that may impact the project outcome,                                               environmental  factors, such as weather, available infrastructure and economical                                               factors.

                      ii.      Standards

                     iii.      Culture

                     iv.      Practices

                      v.      Law

XXV.  Contract Closure requirements

            a.      Include the mode of payment, deliverables, acceptances and sign-off procedures and terms                            and conditions mentioned in the contract.

                      i.      Final Acceptance

                     ii.      Sign-off

                    iii.      Contract Closure

                    iv.      Lessons Learned Documentation

                     v.      Archival Documents

                    vi.      Customer Satisfaction

                               1.      Feedback techniques

                                         a.      Face to face

                                         b.      Written

                                         c.       Surveys

XXVI.  Project Review

             a.      Involves meetings, use of software such as MS Project, and EMV technique

XXVII. Transitions Planning and Techniques

             a.      These are defined in the project management plan

             b.      Transition can happen at the end of every deliverable or at the end of the project

             c.      The transition plan defines how, when, where, what, and between whom the transition                                    occurs.

XXVIII.  Analytical Skills

             a.      Refer to the ability to visualize and break-down complex problems, and solve them followed                        by decision making.

XXIX.   Benefits Analysis

             a.      Helps justify the business case and results in the decision whether to start or continue the                          project under consideration. 

             b.      Is done during the project initiation and start of each Phase

XXX.  Strategic Management

             a.      Is required to achieve project deliverables as well as realize benefits are meeting                                                 organizational goals

XXXI. Change Management Planning

             a.      Outlines procedures to manage, track and document change request

             b.      Describes the condition for approving change request and tools that can be used.

XXXII. Procurement Management

            a.       Selection criteria are developed to rate seller proposals and can be either objective or                                     subjective

            b.       The type of contract depends on the scope and whether the project will be outsourced.

                       i.      Fixed Price

                      ii.      Cost Reimbursable

                     iii.      Time & Material

            c.      Contract Management

                       i.     Include defining the contract terms and conditions and negotiating with vendors.

XXXIII. Lean Methodology

           a.      Involves reducing waste to improve efficiency

           b.      Is a continuous improvement process

XXXIV.  Interdependencies among Project Elements

          a.      Cover how the change in one element can affect the other and in turn affect the project                                 outcome.

XXXV.    Vendor Management Technique

          a.      Involve selecting the best sellers based on source selection criteria.

XXXVI.  Process Analysis Techniques

         a.      Help identify better or faster ways to perform work and optimize process.

         b.      Involve the application of tools and methodologies such as Lean Six Sigma and Kanban.

XXXVII.   Project Finance Principles

        a.      Covers the different project selection methods using parameters such as PV, NPV, IRR, and                            other cost and earned value calculation techniques.

XXXVIII.  Project Quality Best Practices Standard

       a.      Provide the mechanism to align to the industry or government

       b.      ISO or International Organization for Standards, is designed to help organizations ensure that                    they meet the needs of the customers and other stakeholders while adhering to the statutory                     and regulatory requirements.

      c.       The CMMI , Institution helps organizations discover the true value they can deliver by building                      capability in their people and processes.

XXXIX.  Quality Validation and Verification

      a.      Helps insure that processes are performed in accordance to expectations, follow best                                    practices, and measure the project outputs, to verify if deliverables meets the standards using                    various techniques such as:

                i.      Quality Audits

               ii.      Process Analysis

              iii.      Problem Analysis

              iv.      Check Sheets

               v.      Fishbone

              vi.      Scatter Diagrams

             vii.      Run Chats

            viii.      Bar Charts

              ix.      Control Charts

               x.      Pareto Charts

XL.       Performance Measurement Techniques (PMT)

             a.      Involve parameters to decide the acceptance, rejection, or satisfaction criteria

                       i.      Key Performance indicators

                               1.      SLA

                               2.      Baseline

                    ii.      Success Factors     

                             1.      Key Deliverables

                             2.       Organizational Benefits