Step 5-B
Coupling Equation - Bubbly Flow Regime (Report)
Basic Data Tab
From the Mach II Basic Data Tab, click the "Run Coupling Equation" button to run the coupling equation. Wow! Here you will see the power and speed of the Mach II calculation engine that is running thousands of iterations to calculate the maximum fluid flux (Gmax) at various mass fractions of vapor entering the nozzle until the left-hand side (LHS) and (RHS) Right-hand side of the coupling equation converges. The power and speed of Mach II calculation engine is witnessed
before your eyes as it generates the graph of the coupling equation and shows the intersection of the LHS vs. RHS. Above the graph you can examine all the input data and even make, "what if", changes to the data to see how it will affect results. This feature is one of the most powerful and useful tools provided by the Mach II system.
Bubbly Report
Close the coupling equation graph and click "Generate Report", the Mach II will generate a complete design report based on the coupling equation. If you scroll to page three (3) of the report you will see a report of the results of the coupling equation. For bubbly flow the vent rate is determined to be 263,243 lbs./hr. which is only 3,000 lb./hr. different from for the homogeneous flow regime. So changing your design based on a bubbly flow regime model will not change your standard orifice size. We will now examine the churn-turbulent flow regime on the next page.