There are fourteen(14) elements within the OSHA Process Safety Management (PSM) Standard Download
The first element of the PSM standard is,"Employee Participation. The employee must have active participation and access to all fourteen (14) elements of the PSM program for your company to be in compliance. This means you must have a platform in place that allows the employee to access all process safety information (PSI), PHA's, Incident Investigations, Emergency response, material safety data sheets, mechanical integrity of the equipment, P&ID's, PFD's, standard operating procedures (SOP's), PSM audit findings and resolutions, PHA action items, and anything to do with plant safety such as relief design documentation and maintenance. These fourteen(14) elements are summarized under the PSM Audit tab above. You may also access these fourteen(14) elements using the links below. The requirements have been summarized as a PSM audit that was created in a spreadsheet as a compliance tool to audit the fourteen(14) elements required to be in compliance with the PSM standard. It is a recommended practice to create a spreadsheet that becomes the evidence of your PSM compliance program by showing each compliance requirement for each element, start date, expected completion date, responsible department, and what documents or procedure show evidence of your compliance.
"The checklist, if properly designed, could serve as the verification sheet which provides the auditor with the necessary information to expedite the review and assure that no requirements of the standard are omitted. This verification sheet format could also identify those elements that will require evaluation or a response to correct deficiencies. This sheet could also be used for developing the follow-up and documentation requirements." Appendix C OSHA 29CFR 1910.119 -Compliance Guidelines and Recommendations for Process Safety Management (Non-Mandatory)
1) Employee Participation 2) Process Safety Information (PSI) 3) Process Hazard Reviews (PHA's) 4) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP's)
5) Employee Training 6) Contractor Training 7) Pre-Start-up Safety Reviews 8) Mechanical Integrity 9) Hot Wok Permits
10) Management of Change (MOC) 11) Incident Investigation 12) Emergency Planning and Response 13) OSHA Compliance Audits
PSM Compliance Procedure
Once you have gathered and updated all process safety information (PSI), have certified the mechanical integrity of the equipment and have performed the necessary process hazard analysis(PHA'a), to identify potential hazards, you must either mitigate or eliminate the hazard, or provide adequate relief systems to protect the equipment, piping, and personnel from over-pressure incidents. This is the objective of the Mach II CDS, PSM Network System. It provides a complete platform to design and document relief design protection and maintains a database that can be accessed to provide fingertip control and access of all your Process Safety Information ( PSI).