DIERS Benchmarks.

Case 11 High Viscosity Liquid Water (Two-phase Engine)

Case 11 high viscosity liquid water takes same data as case 10 for liquid water except that the viscosity of the lqiuid is constant at 1000 cP.  For this case we will use the Mach Ii two-phase design engine and enter 1000 cP for each of the liquid viscosity data points from reliving pressure down to the exit pressure.

Mach II   Nozzle Results & Piping Results            Download     

Two-phase high viscosity water

                                         Flowrate (lbs/hr)             Exit (psia)              Quality (x)              Inlet dP / %Pset       Outlet dP /% Pset       Piping                                                       779, 398                           14.7                       0                                    ------                              -------                  nozzle

                                               591,037                            14.7                       0                                15.5 / 29.4                  3.9 / 7.5                 4 X 6

                                      737,553                            14.7                       0                                   6.1 / 11.6                   3.9 / 7.5                6 X  6

                                               734,272                            14.7                       0                                   6.1 / 11.6                   3.0 / 7.5                8 X 6

  DIERS Results 

  Liquid Water               Flowrate (lbs/hr)             Exit (psia)               Quality (x)               Inlet dP / %Pset        Outlet dP /% Pset     Piping

  RRERSP                             778,100                            14.7                        0                                          -------                             -------             nozzle

  Shaw                                  577,363                            14.7                        0                                       14.9 / 28.4                    7.9/ 15.0          4 X 6

  RRERSP                             668,014                            14.7                        0                                         4.7 / 9.2                        7.0 / 13.8          6 X 6

  RRERSP                             689,678                            14.7                        0                                         1.8 / 3.5                        7.1 / 14.1          8 X 6

The inlet and outlet  pressure drop for the 4 X 6 agrees with the DIERS results.  However, the 6 X 6, and 8 X 6, does not.  The reason for this is that the Mach II uses crane to determine the reducer resistance for the inlet piping and it has been shown to be very conservative.  See Hooper article on 2K and 3 K method for reducer resistance.  Download